Tag: sunshine

Keep enjoying the view

I keep telling myself you have ten or so days before life goes back to normal. I am enjoying my time here so much I don’t want summer to end. At the same time I can’t wait to meet a new bunch of kids and see what my new school is all about. 

Since June I have already become more conscious of myself and my habits. I’m beginning to be proud of myself and my choices. I’m also making better choices. So as I enjoy coffee and journaling this morning I needed to post just how good I feel. Summer was supposed to be about working on me and I did it.

Take advantage of what you already have

Take advantage of what you already have

Yesterday my husband and I went for a walk around Woolfrey’s Pond Board Walk. The first step in trying to be more active. I said to Jamie as we were walking that if I lived in Lewisporte I would try to walk around the pond a few times a week. Why wouldn’t I? If you have a beautiful board walk in your community wouldn’t you take advantage and use it as much as possible? Thats what I am thinking about this morning. Why don’t we use the facilities that we already have in our communities. If I lived here in Lewisporte would I complain I had no where to walk? I hope not. I hope I would follow my own advice.

In Newfoundland there is plenty of hiking and trail systems. We are soon moving to Petty Harbour. There it is beautiful, scenic, not high traffic, and plenty of places to walk and hike. I’ve already told Jamie that we must take advantage and walk as much as we can because before you know it there will be snow.

One of my friends called us last week and said,  “My husband golfs about four mornings a week and I am looking for someone to walk around the lake with.” First thing I said. We need to go. Quidi Vidi lake is beautiful and right there for walkers to use. There is no need to pay gym fee’s to walk/run on treadmills inside. While the weather is nice I am going to try my best to get out as much as possible.

Newfoundland and Labrador is such a beautiful province. There is so many opportunities to get out and be active outside this summer. After our walk yesterday I slept better then I have all week, woke up early this morning, and have had a smile on my face ever since. It is true sunshine and movement makes us happy. So lets take advantage of what is already here for us to use. Let’s NOT complain that there is nothing to do. Instead get out. Find somewhere beautiful in your own community to walk and sweat and smile. I will let you know where I end up.

❤ J